In February 2020, U.S. Bancorp executives gathered in Reno, Nev., to discuss the future of banking, including how quickly they expected digital services to evolve.
Then the coronavirus pandemic came along, forcing them and other bankers to curtail branch activities and sparking a new burst in digital banking.
By February this year, nearly 80% of customer transactions at U.S. Bank were digital and nearly 60% of active customers did most of their banking that way.
"If you had told me that we would be at this stage 15 months later, I would have thought that would be impossible," said Tim Welsh, the Minneapolis-based bank's president of consumer and business banking. "I thought it was a five-year journey."
Of course, some people still go to a branch to cash a check or make a deposit. But many are going in less frequently, and for a different reason.
To help manage social distancing as U.S. Bank began to reopen their lobbies last year, it asked customers to make appointments with bankers. U.S. Bank booked more than a million such appointments last year, and is on track to double that number this year.
"Where you used to come in and cash a check and leave in two minutes, now you come in and you talk for 30 minutes about your finances with somebody at a scheduled time," said Welsh. "It's a completely different way of interacting with our customers."
The pandemic has even prodded some older Americans, who were previously more likely to go into a branch for routine transactions, to transition to digital banking, said Greg McBride, chief financial analyst with