Opinion editor's note: Star Tribune Opinion publishes a mix of national and local commentaries online and in print each day. To contribute, click here.
The scenes playing out inside emergency departments and other hospital units throughout Minnesota are some of the most horrifying we have seen in our combined 60-plus years of working in health care.
Children with developmental disabilities, often with behavioral challenges but no acute medical needs, are being abandoned in hospital emergency departments. In each case a biological parent, legal guardian, licensed group-home staff or county worker tells our hospitals they can no longer care for the child in their current setting, leaving hospitals responsible to care for them while an alternative placement is found.
The results are increased moral and physical injury to our staff and hundreds of children languishing inside hospitals that are not designed to provide residential care for days, weeks and sometimes months — all because of a completely broken social safety net. It is inhumane and it must stop.
We hoped the crisis would wane as stories of some of the most egregious cases became public last year: a 13-year-old with autism who heartbreakingly described the need for sun and air during a monthlong hospital confinement; the 15-year-old boy with intellectual disabilities whose story prompted an investigation by a local TV news station after he was kicked out of his group home; and the 10-year-old boy with severe aggression whose county guardian left him at a local hospital, then refused to pick him up.
Sadly, we have reached a new boiling point. What started as dozens of children being left in hospitals throughout Minnesota has now grown to hundreds. Since 2019, there has been a 140% increase in abandoned minors at M Health Fairview emergency rooms. In 2021, there were 109 children abandoned at our hospitals. In 2022, the number nearly doubled to 211. Half of the children are under the care of the state or counties.
At Allina Health, children boarding in our hospitals has resulted in hundreds of patients with acute mental health care needs who are not able to access care because our hospital beds are full, or we are forced to temporarily close entire units to accommodate the needs of boarding patients.