Are you ready to party?
Last spring, Mixed Blood Theatre transformed itself into a strip club to match the subject matter of a daring new play by Katori Hall. This spring, the venerable playhouse on Minneapolis' West Bank is being reconfigured into an immersive nightclub for another themed production.
"DJ Latinidad," which premieres Friday, is a dance party celebration of Hispanic culture. Directed by Mark Valdez, the show is an anthology of vignettes and playlets by the likes of Dominican-American Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Díaz, Chicano playwrights Octavio Solis and Virginia Grise, Cuban-American writer Michael John Garces and self-described Sota-Rican (Minnesota/Puerto Rican) vocalist Maria Isa.
How Hispanics see themselves has changed significantly in the years that Mixed Blood has been commissioning Latino playwrights to craft works based on myth, history or experience.
"We used to get things back that are bilingual or in Spanish," said Mixed Blood founder Jack Reuler. "Not this year. Everything we got back was in English. And the subject matter was surprising."
Broadening influence
In ways obvious and subtle, Hispanic culture is now firmly part of the American mainstream. Two credible Latinos — Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz — are vying for the Republican presidential nomination. Salsa has surpassed ketchup as the nation's No. 1 condiment and more tortilla chips than potato chips are sold.
That change is also evident in how Hispanic artists see, and assert, themselves.
"I can't speak for all Latinos, but we're regular people dealing with regular issues, and have always been," said Solis. "We always used to look to Cuban-Americans and say, 'They're the Republicans.' That's not true anymore. Same with Mexican-Americans — we're all supposed to have a picture of Kennedy on our walls next to Guadalupe. But politically, culturally, musically, we're all over the map."