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Every day we place an enormous amount of trust in the police to keep the peace and protect us from violence. More than that, we expect a perfect duality — we ask officers to make split second life-or-death decisions while possessing the wisdom and wherewithal to slow down, evaluate and proceed cautiously. We ask police to be masters of peaceful de-escalation while also being tactically prepared to operate like a special-forces soldier if an active-shooter situation arises.
And these highly scrutinized officers, having everything they do recorded, must do all of it without making one single mistake. The consequences of their decisions can be fatal.
I realize these expectations are high, and rightfully so. That is the commitment we make when we take the oath.
I worry about gun violence in our community every day. It’s what gets me out of bed and onto a crime scene in the middle of the night, and it’s what I think about daily in the office. After Kansas City, when young people fired shots into a crowd at the Super Bowl parade, I immediately recalled how a similar scene played out in a downtown parking lot earlier this month, and how Minneapolis cops acted swiftly and safely arrested the gunman before anyone was hurt.
Twenty-five years ago, after the massacre at Columbine High School, we learned that traditional police tactics in response to an active shooter no longer work. When children are being slaughtered, securing a scene and waiting for specially trained SWAT officers to arrive is not feasible. Shooting in most of these incidents is over within minutes, and time is of the essence. This is all compounded by the fact that weapons that should be confined to the battlefield are readily available on our streets. And whatever police are available — even if it’s one officer armed only with a handgun — that cop must immediately respond and stop the shooter. We have seen police fail to rise to the occasion when this happened both at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, and in Uvalde, Texas.
But our training and approach to active-shooter situations is constantly changing, and I’m thankful for the ongoing work being done to ensure that Minneapolis is prepared.