Melissa Drenckhahn recently set up foam headstones in Wabasha, Minn., to commemorate 24 Minnesotans killed in domestic violence last year. She worries that more crises will end in tragedy as short-staffed nonprofits are forced to turn away people in need.
"With any shelter that closes, you start wondering how many people are going to die because of that," said Drenckhahn, outreach manager for Red Wing-based Hope Coalition. "Right now, we're barely keeping up the demand for services."
Across Minnesota and Wisconsin, domestic violence programs that serve a growing number of people are in need of help themselves — grappling with staffing shortages, program cuts or even closures because of flat or reduced government funding and rising costs.
A Hastings nonprofit will close a 21-bed shelter in November and eliminate three jobs. In southern Minnesota, crisis centers can't afford to fill open jobs, while others are trimming costs by shortening hotel stays for victims.
Guadalupe Lopez, executive director of Violence Free Minnesota, said she's concerned the Hastings closure is the start of widespread reductions to domestic violence programs because of stagnant state aid and waning federal funding. As a result, she said, law enforcement and other social services will be strained to fill the void.
"What will happen if advocacy programs cease to exist?" she asked. "This is a public health issue."
The largest funding source for crime victim services locally and nationally is the federal Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) Fund, created from fees and fines off federal court cases. The fund has plummeted in the past few years because fewer cases have been prosecuted.
As a result, states across the country expect a 40% drop in VOCA funding next year. More than 70 Minnesota and Wisconsin organizations signed onto a letter in September urging congressional leaders to avoid "catastrophic cuts" that could leave millions of victims without lifesaving services.