Don’t sweat the stuff you can’t control, right? True enough, so I focus on the things I can change. I make to-do lists on Post-it notes (thank you 3M), and I get a little drip of dopamine when I cross something off. Calendar apps on my phone? Check. Yeah, I’m a freak, but I suspect I’m not alone.
Douglas: 40 degrees possible Tuesday, and even warmer by Thursday
Models hint at rain or snow next week
I guess I’m a weather snob, too. If I see foul weather coming up I’ll postpone or cancel a trip. Snow and ice on a road trip? No thanks. I’ll leave earlier or later.
Weather apps are better than nothing (barely), but looking at the weather models is more helpful. Some charge a fee, but you can access many models at College of DuPage (, and Have at it!
Speaking of models, if all goes according to plan we should hit 40 degrees Tuesday, maybe mid 40s Thursday. A Friday storm stays south of Minnesota (getting to be a habit) but ECMWF hints at a mix of snow/ice/rain late next week.
We cool into the teens and 20s in early February, but not polar-vortex cold. Whew.
Highs could reach mid-70s before any storms hit.