Please don’t take away my old-fashioned Doppler: a sturdy, west-facing window, since weather moves from west to east (most of the time). I run to that window every hour or so to check on my forecast. “Why hasn’t the snow started yet? Where is the bleeping sun?” Curious way to make a living.
Douglas: Colder, with slush on Wednesday
Saturday could bring plowable snow
We rely on weather models to predict the future state of the atmosphere, but the art is knowing which model to believe, and when. All models are wrong, but some are useful, right?
Models show more cold air ahead with a few subzero nights by next week. A reprise of our tango with the polar vortex two weeks ago? We’ll get a taste, but models are conflicted on how cold it’s going to get. We can expect one to two weeks of temperatures well below average.
The arrival of these next cold surges will set off a few snowy storms: maybe an inch of slush Wednesday with a more significant storm Saturday capable of plowable, amounts: 4 inches or more. Where the heaviest snow bands set up is a meteorological mystery. But it’s looking better for snow-lovers.
After a high of 70 on Friday, temperatures will tumble.