Look at this weather being all springy and cute like it didn’t just try to kill us last week. On Jan. 20 we woke up to -18 degrees and -35-degree windchills in the Twin Cities. Jan. 30 we enjoyed a record 52 degrees, temperatures more typical of early April. Weather whiplash at its finest.
Douglas: Weather outlook is improving for snow lovers among us
Trust me, winter is far from over.
In late January 2024, MSP experienced two days of 50-plus highs. Since modern-day records began in 1871 there is no record of two back-to- back Januarys with 50s in the Twin Cities.
A disoriented Old Man Winter will prove it can still snow with a slushy coating Saturday, maybe a couple of additional inches on Monday. With a deep dome of cold air firmly in place next week (teens and 20s) a series of southern storms will spray Minnesota with snow. Within a week much of Minnesota may have 3 to 6 inches of snow on the ground, with more expected north of MSP. I still believe February will be snowier than January was (1.7 inches) but that’s a pretty low bar.
No reprise of the polar vortex, but mid-February may bring a few subzero nights. Trust me, winter is far from over.
Friday could bring high of 70, thunderstorms