We interrupt this polar vortex for a premature taste of April. Please enjoy responsibly. Last week a walk to the mailbox felt like swimming in battery acid. This week? A little rain.
Being near the center of North America with no oceans nearby to temper big swings in temperature, Minnesota is no stranger to ridiculous extremes. Factoring windchill, a nearly 100-degree shift in one week is still impressive.
Looking at the data and the models I see mostly 40s into mid-March with a few days topping 50. ECMWF ensemble guidance hints at 60s and 70s by late March and April. I may live to regret saying this out loud, but the metro area has probably seen the last subzero reading of winter.
Only 16 inches of snow this winter, rivaling the meager 14.2 inches we had picked up at MSP by Feb. 24 of last year. At some point it will snow, but with milder baseline temperatures and a higher sun angle whatever falls won’t stick around for long.
I doubt we’ll see another polar vortex — and I’m not ruling out an early spring.