Barely three years after he went to prison for a hit-and-run crash that permanently injured a pedestrian in California, the man accused of causing a high-speed collision late last week in Minneapolis that killed five people had his driving privileges restored in Minnesota.
Derrick John Thompson, 27, of Brooklyn Park, remains jailed Tuesday with charges pending on suspicion of murder in connection with the crash late Friday after he sped off an Interstate 35W exit ramp in his full-size Cadillac Escalade SUV and struck a car going through an E. Lake Street intersection.
Thompson is the son of former state Rep. John Thompson, DFL-St. Paul.
Killed in the crash were Sabiriin Ali, 17, of Bloomington; Sahra Gesaade, 20, of Brooklyn Center; Salma Abdikadir, 20, of St. Louis Park; Sagal Hersi, 19, of Minneapolis; and Siham Adam, 19, of Minneapolis.
Derrick John Thompson ran from the wreckage, but he was soon captured by police. He appeared extremely sleepy and uncommunicative, and a bag of suspected marijuana was located on the front passenger floor board, a court document filed Tuesday read.
Along with the serious-injury crash in 2020 near Santa Barbara, Calif., Thompson's criminal history in Minnesota is peppered with driving-related illegalities. They include convictions for driving while possessing an illicit drug, speeding, having unsafe vehicle equipment, fleeing police in a vehicle, driving without insurance, and three convictions for driving after his license was suspended or revoked.
Short of being locked up for life, however, Minnesota doesn't allow a lifetime ban from having a driver's license, no matter how serious or numerous the offenses. To illustrate, 64-year-old Danny Lee Bettcher possessed a valid license even with 27 drunken-driving offenses on his record and proceeded to get one more DUI on Sept. 28, 2017, in New York Mills.
In February 2020, Thompson was sentenced for the hit-and-run crash during a police pursuit in 2018 near Santa Barbara, Calif., that left a pedestrian seriously injured. The 58-year-old woman from North Carolina went into a coma and was left with permanent injuries.