When farmer Judy Yang went to harvest her sweet potatoes in late July, none had grown. Row after row yielded nothing but tangled roots and dry dirt.
Organic farmers Mhonpaj Lee and husband Phanat Vang have so few harvestable tomatoes that they can't even fulfill their 80 Community Supported Agriculture subscriptions.
"It was really depressing at one point where we really thought we might not make it for this season," said Lee, who with her husband owns Mhonpaj's Garden. "Everything was literally yellow."
Farmers across Minnesota, to different extents, are suffering effects of this year's drought. And consumers are, too. If you have been to a farmers market lately, you have found a smaller selection of produce, fewer farmers and higher-than-usual prices.
The realities have devastated many Hmong farmers, who make up 50% of the growers at Twin Cities metro farmers markets. Some farmers who usually sell at farmers markets six days a week only have enough produce to sell two days each week, said Janssen Hang, co-founder and executive director of the Hmong American Farmers Association (HAFA).
Most Hmong farmers run smaller operations and have disproportionate access to resources such as affordable, high-quality land, water, loans and reliable markets, Hang said. Not speaking fluent English also puts them at a disadvantage, as it's harder to find out about and apply for grants and aid.
Particularly consequential this summer is the fact that most Hmong farmers don't have access to irrigation on their farms and are at the mercy of the weather, Hang said. Even farmers who do have wells and sprinkler systems have to spend extra hours watering each day, which usually involves laying down and picking up hundreds of feet of hoses. It's grueling work.
More than 35% of the state currently suffers from "extreme drought" and nearly 79% from "severe drought," including most of the Twin Cities metro area, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor.