“Well, he kind of peed in his Cheerios right there,” was the quote heard ’round Minnesota this week.
Billionaire Kathy Cargill made the crass comment about Duluth Mayor Roger Reinert in a Wall Street Journal story published this week, after Reinert expressed concern about Cargill’s unknown plans for around 20 parcels of land she purchased on Park Point.
And now Duluth citizens are responding to Cargill calling their community “small-minded” by serving their beer with a side of Cheerios and launching a #DuluthCheerioChallenge to donate the cereal to local food shelves.
It’s the “When life gives you Cheerios, make Cheerio bars” approach.
Duluth’s iconic Fitger’s Brewhouse, released a new lager, the Park Point People’s Pint, that’s served with a side of Cheerios. According to Fitger’s owner Rod Raymond, who also operates Burrito Union, the Barrel Room and the Rathskeller, some patrons ask for a bowl so they can pour the beer right over it. (No word on whether patrons slurp the last of the cereal-infused beer.)
“We hope that the Park Point Peoples Pint will resonate as a symbol of hospitality to anyone who wants to call Duluth their home, whether you’ve been here for five days or five decades,” Raymond said in an email.
Duluth labor organizer Chad McKenna started the Facebook page Duluth Cheerio Challenge asking people to support Minnesota FoodShare’s March campaign by dropping off boxes of Cheerios (or other cereal, or money) at the Duluth Labor Temple (2002 London Rd.) on Wed. March 27 – Fri. March 29. The collection will be dispersed to several food shelves and food distribution programs in the area.
“We wanted to take what was said and turn it into a positive,” McKenna said, noting that the campaign isn’t intended to pass judgement on Cargill.