Dustin Falling came home from work one night and heard voices downstairs. It had been several weeks since his son's funeral, but the noise coming from his bedroom sounded comfortingly familiar, something he had heard so many nights before. That excitable ruckus that teenage boys tend to make when playing Fortnite.
"It was nice," Dustin says.
His son's friends had stopped by, at the family's invitation, as a way to cope with their grief by being in his room and feeling their connection to Dylan, a Litchfield High athlete who died in a car accident in June.
The loss of a young life brings unimaginable sorrow that no parent should be forced to confront. Dylan was an A student and multisport athlete who suffered brain trauma when the car he was driving pulled into an oncoming vehicle at an intersection. He was 16 and had just completed his sophomore year.
In this darkness, his family keeps finding comfort. There have been revelations of just how good a kid Dylan was. And one simple act by their son continues to impact the lives of so many others.
Dylan was an organ donor. It was a decision he made proudly not long before he died, after his dad underwent a kidney transplant in 2019. The branches of Dylan's generosity are now far-reaching.
A 68-year-old man received his heart.
A 34-year-old woman received one of his kidneys.