While fans of Minnesota's EagleCam commiserate over images of the parents perched at the site of a nest that no longer exists — and pity the days-old eagle chick that was killed when the nest fell Sunday morning — the confluence of factors that contributed to the sad end of the roost is a reality of the wild. Yet there, too, exists some hope.
The parent birds have stuck around
The EagleCam, positioned about 30 feet from where the nest sat, remains unaffected and on, up 100 feet or so, and has captured the parent birds' return to surrounding branches more than once. Their appearance is a probable clue to what's next.
A number of factors likely will keep the eagle parents close, said Lori Naumann, the EagleCam manager and an information officer for the Nongame Wildlife Program of the Department of Natural Resources. For one, biology: Eagles are territorial and, as history has shown at the site of the EagleCam, the raptors often return and breed again.
Naumann said it's unlikely the eagles would produce another egg yet this season, given the short nesting season, but they have been spotted mating since Sunday's disaster.
"For them to be successful is unlikely," she said.
That they might attempt to produce another eaglet makes sense, knowing the instinct is so so ingrained in late winter-early spring, said one wildlife biologist.
"I would expect that this pair will stay in the area and try to rebuild in the same spot," said Mags Rheude of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's Bloomington office.
The eagles have a long history here
Naumann said the female's loyalty to the site makes that idea near certainty. The current female displaced the original female four years ago.