East insider
Commuter fares set Riders on commuter buses that will travel weekdays into downtown Minneapolis will pay a fare of $2.75 each way when service begins in January, Washington County commissioners were told Tuesday.
Designated as Route 288, the service will offer five departures from Forest Lake and five return trips, said Mike Rogers, the county's transportation planner. The first bus will leave Forest Lake at 5 a.m. and the last bus will leave Minneapolis at 5:30 p.m., he said.
The fare is the same as Metro Transit's existing express fare and includes full transfer privileges, Rogers said.
Details, including the starting day, are being worked out, he said Tuesday.
The federal government is funding the service until construction of the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis is finished.
Family party Dec. 31 Families wanting to attend Woodbury's annual New Year's Eve Family Celebration at Bielenberg Sports Center should register now, the city said.
Geared for families with children younger than 12, the event takes place Dec. 31 from 6 to 9 p.m. There will be games, moonwalk, slides, an obstacle course, mini-golf, bingo, open ice skating, a Woodbury Skating Club exhibition and other activities.
The event is limited to 700 people and usually sells out, the city said. Cost is $8 each for anyone preregistering by noon Dec. 31.
Tickets are required for participants 2 and older and can be purchased only through the Parks and Recreation Department at City Hall, 8301 Valley Creek Road.
Any tickets still available will be sold for $10 each the night of the event at the sports center, 4125 Radio Drive. Skate rental and concessions are available for an additional charge.
For more information or to register, call the Woodbury Parks and Recreation Department at 651-714-3583. In addition, volunteers are needed. Anyone wishing to help should call 651-714-3588 for details.
Fund-drive success A fund drive built around the Canadian Pacific Holiday Train's appearance last week raised about $37,000 for Friends in Need Food Shelf, said event coordinator Mary Slusser. In addition, more than 10,000 pounds of food was donated, she said.
About 6,000 people came to see the train, Slusser said.
Friends in Need, in St. Paul Park, serves residents of that city and also residents of Cottage Grove, Newport and Grey Cloud Island. The holiday train, festooned with thousands of colored lights, made 15 stops in Minnesota. The Cottage Grove stop has led cities in donations in past years.
Health rankings St. Croix County, which borders Minnesota, is the ninth healthiest in Wisconsin, according to rankings determined by the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. Pierce County, which flanks the south end of St. Croix County, ranked 18th. Polk County, to the north, ranked 44th.
The study of 72 counties and the city of Milwaukee examined indicators such as quality of health care and behaviors such as tobacco, diet, exercise, alcohol use, high-risk sex and violence. Also included were air and water quality and environment.