East-metro town briefs
DNR rejects rezoning of city-owned land The fate of a small disputed parcel of land returns to Lilydale for further discussion after the state Department of Natural Resources rejected the City Council's proposal to rezone the land for multi-family use.
The DNR found that the 0.85-acre site, which a Lilydale businessman gave to the city years ago, is too steep for such housing. In response, Lilydale's planning commission will hold a hearing March 24 to consider rezoning the land for single-family use, said Marilyn Lundberg, a City Council member.
Some Lilydale residents think the land, along Sibley Memorial Highway, should be preserved as open space and say that previous owner John Thompson intended it that way. Thompson has since died.
The DNR is involved because the land lies within the protected Mississippi River Corridor Critical Area.
St. Paul
The state of St. Paul Mayor Chris Coleman will give his State of the City address today at noon at the Wilder Center, near Lexington Parkway and University Avenue. The theme will be "pictures of progress."
The mayor will also hold a series of community meetings to talk about the city's progress:
• 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Wellstone Center for Community Building at Neighborhood House, 179 Robie St.
• 7 p.m. March 19, Hubbs Center for Lifelong Learning, 1030 W. University Av.
• 7 p.m. March 25 at Como Zoo and Conservatory visitor center, 1225 Estabrook Dr.
• 5:30 p.m. March 26, Ecolab Room at Metropolitan State University, 645 E. 7th St.
• 5:30 p.m. March 27, Weyerhaeuser Hall boardroom, Macalester College, 62 Macalester St.
Report those potholes It's that time of year when craters show up in the road. Here's who to call to get them filled:
In St. Paul, tell the Street Maintenance Office at 651-292-6600 or e-mail potholes@ci.stpaul.mn.us
In Ramsey County, but outside St. Paul city limits, call the county Public Works Department at 651-266-7100 or e-mail pothole@co.ramsey.mn.us. Give them a description of the pothole location.
If it's on a state highway in the metro area, call the Minnesota Department of Transportation at 651-582-1550.
Spike in ice injuries Dozens of people who fell on ice have been treated recently at Woodwinds Hospital for broken bones and head injuries, said Dr. David Hale, the emergency room director.
The hospital helped as many as 30 patients for such injuries last Wednesday, and by 1 p.m. Thursday five more had arrived for treatment, Hale said. Those numbers, he said, would rank among the highest he remembers at the hospital.
"It's the ice underneath the snow, they forget about it and down they go," he said.
Broken wrists and ankles were most common, but two older people came with broken hips and some people suffered serious head injuries, he said. Most were adults, he said.
Doctors at orthopedic clinics were reporting a similar rush of business, Hale said.
Successful blood drive by grateful recipient Two years ago, Cara Bothun's life was saved when she received 19 units of blood after the delivery of her daughter, Thea. Since then, on Thea's birthday, the Bothuns raise awareness by holding a blood drive at their Arden Hills house. They did so for the second time on March 1, with a turnout of about 250 people and 100 units of blood donated to Memorial Blood Centers.
"My life was saved by donated blood," Cara Bothun said. "I have four kids and I think quite frequently about what their lives would be like if I weren't here. I'm grateful to still be here." Bothun mailed 400 invitations for the party. "I have a lot of people in my address book," she said.