Sugary photos posted by players on social media notwithstanding, Minnesota United's athletic trainers and dietitian have provided Loons living isolated at home this past month with workout programs and a nutrition phone app intended to keep them fit and trim during a season suspended by the coronavirus pandemic.
"I've seen some Instagram posts of cakes and things," team dietitian Angela Bruzina said.
"I'm over here making cakes and cookies, too. It's OK in the time we're in. Just everything within balance is what I keep telling myself."
Bruzina isn't worried so much about weight gained, even after seeing those photos of treats presumably baked and eaten while players stay home separately.
"I'm actually more worried about them losing weight and losing muscle mass without being able to train the way we normally train," said Bruzina, who worked for MLS' FC Cincinnati and the University of Cincinnati last year.
"They're not getting the same kind of stimulus. Hopefully, we can give the guys the tools so they don't lose weight and muscle."
MLS has closed team training facilities and placed a moratorium on teams' training through April 24.
Players have been instructed to stay in their team's market unless they're individually approved by the league to relocate by automobile.