District 38B: Patti Anderson
Republican Rep. Matt Dean's retirement after 14 years in the Minnesota House has prompted a comeback bid by Patti Anderson, a Republican who as Patti Anderson Awada was elected to a single term as state auditor in 2002. Residents of the northeast-suburban district should be pleased she's back. Anderson is better prepared for legislative service than DFL contender Ami Wazlawik.
Anderson, 52, has been out of office for a dozen years. But she has worked in and around politics and government for much of her adult life, including stints as mayor and City Council member in Eagan, state commissioner of employee relations and a member of the Republican National Committee. In 2010 she ran unsuccessfully first for governor, then for state auditor. More recently, she purchased five European Wax Centers in the metro area, with 80 employees.
Philosophically, Anderson qualifies as a libertarian; she once headed the Minnesota Free Market Institute. She's also a pragmatist who understands that governing requires deal making by people with opposing views, that market forces alone don't produce satisfactory results in health care and education, and that infrastructure is a government responsibility.
Wazlawik, 32, is seeking the District 38B seat for the second time; she garnered 43 percent of the vote against Dean in 2016. She's strongly drawn to public service, as evidenced by a background that includes varied public-affairs volunteer work, AmeriCorps service and a master's degree in public policy from the Humphrey School of Public Affairs. But Wazlawik's idealism has not been tempered by service in local government or the private sector. That's Anderson's edge.
District 42A: Randy Jessup
Elected in 2016 by a spare 125-vote margin in a district carried by Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, Republican Rep. Randy Jessup kept a relatively low profile during his first term. He says he's ready to raise his politically moderate voice in a second term. He deserves that opportunity.
Jessup, 57, is a chemical engineer by profession who also has worked in corporate marketing and owns four UPS stores in the Twin Cities. He's a systemic thinker who wants to explore calendar and procedural changes that would lessen the likelihood of a budget-setting impasse and an ensuing government shutdown. He's so serious about representing the views of his Shoreview area constituents that he went door-to-door in a nonelection year to sample opinion.
He's also an independent thinker, willing to align with DFLers on environmental protection and education improvement. Unlike most Republican candidates for the Legislature this year, Jessup wants to continue the health care provider tax that is due to sunset at the end of 2019 and that finances health care access for low-income Minnesotans.
His DFL challenger is Kelly Moller, 45, a first-time candidate and an assistant Hennepin County attorney and victims rights advocate. She would make a positive contribution to the Legislature on criminal justice matters, including state measures aimed at gun violence prevention. More exposure to a wider range of state issues would make her a stronger candidate in the future.