Rick Dunbar watched from his car as a man tried to force open the door to his daughter's Minneapolis rental property. He called 911.
And then he waited — for 31 minutes. By the time police arrived at the Fulton neighborhood house, the man had left.
"If this guy would have just kicked the door in ... he could have took TVs and whatever else and they still would have never caught him," Dunbar said of the 2017 incident.
The response might have been faster if Dunbar called from another neighborhood. But police take longer on average to respond to high-priority 911 calls near Minneapolis' southern border, according to a Star Tribune analysis of more than 70,000 calls in Minneapolis and St. Paul. In some neighborhoods, median response times for these calls were 5 minutes longer than Minneapolis' citywide median of just under 8 minutes.
Neal Hagberg frantically called 911 last fall near Minnehaha Parkway after two men chased him for several blocks during an attempted carjacking. It took about 12 minutes for officers to arrive. "I felt really vulnerable at the time that it took for them to get to me," Hagberg said.
Fewer people call 911 from the areas where the analysis shows higher response times, police department officials said, leaving more officers clustered closer to parts of the city with more calls. Officers traveled more than 4 miles, from near Lake Street, to respond to Dunbar's call.
"We have to walk that line between, 'Do I add more officers over here so I can get response times down? Or do I add officers over here to try and reduce violent crime?' " said Assistant Chief Mike Kjos. "And it's not an easy answer. There's no formula."
The department has already changed some procedures in response to Star Tribune inquiries. The department reviewed 50 high-priority calls across the city — chosen at random by the Star Tribune — that took more than 30 minutes before officers arrived. In a number of those cases, the department discovered, callers probably waited longer because officers were changing shifts. The data show that citywide median response times rose dramatically during the 6 a.m. hour, when the day shift begins and calls are also at their lowest volume.