1. THE GIRL WHO KICKED THE HORNET'S NEST, by Stieg Larsson. (Knopf, $27.95.) The third volume of a trilogy about a Swedish hacker and a journalist.

2. WHAT THE NIGHT KNOWS, by Dean Koontz. (Bantam, $28.) Someone is murdering entire families, recreating in detail a crime spree that took place two decades earlier.

3. DEAD OR ALIVE, by Tom Clancy with Grant Blackwood. (Putnam, $28.95.) Familiar Clancy characters appear as an intelligence group tracks a vicious terrorist called the Emir.

4. THE CONFESSION, by John Grisham. (Doubleday, $28.95.) A criminal wants to save an innocent man on death row, but he must convince the authorities he's telling the truth.

5. THE HELP, by Kathryn Stockett. (Amy Einhorn/Putnam, $24.95.) A young white woman and two black maids in 1960s Mississippi.

6(x). THE OUTLAWS, by W.E.B. Griffin and William E. Butterworth IV. (Putnam, $27.95.) Charley Castillo investigates a deadly biohazard that he thought had been destroyed.

7. FREEDOM, by Jonathan Franzen. (Farrar, Straus & Giroux, $28.) A family of Midwestern liberals during the Bush years.

8. CROSS FIRE, by James Patterson. (Little, Brown, $27.99.) Alex Cross investigates a professional assassination in Washington, and receives a chilling call from his deadliest adversary.

9(x). THREE SECONDS, by Anders Roslund and Borge Hellstrom. (Silver Oak, $24.95.) Infiltrating the Polish mafia, an undercover police officer takes on the organized drug traffic in Scandinavian prisons.

10. SECRETS TO THE GRAVE, by Tami Hoag. (Dutton, $26.95.) The cast of "Deeper Than the Dead" become involved in a new case of violence that disturbs their community.


1. UNBROKEN, by Laura Hillenbrand. (Random House, $27.) An Olympic runner's story of survival as a prisoner of the Japanese in World War II.

2. DECISION POINTS, by George W. Bush. (Crown, $35.) The former president's memoir discusses his Christianity and the end of his drinking; his relationships with members of his family; and his decisions on 9/11, Iraq and Katrina.

3. CLEOPATRA, by Stacy Schiff. (Little, Brown, $29.99.) The last queen of ancient Egypt was ambitious, audacious and formidably intelligent.

4. LIFE, by Keith Richards with James Fox. (Little, Brown, $29.99.) The Rolling Stones guitarist's revealing autobiography is also a portrait of the era when rock 'n' roll came of age.

5. AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARK TWAIN, VOL. 1, by Mark Twain. (University of California, $34.95.) In his autobiography, published unexpurgated for the first time, Twain is pointedly political and willing to play the angry prophet.

6. THE IMMORTAL LIFE OF HENRIETTA LACKS, by Rebecca Skloot. (Crown, $26.) The story of a woman whose cancer cells were cultured without her permission in 1951.

7. DECODED, by Jay-Z. (Spiegel & Grau, $35.) The hip-hop star leads a narrative journey through his lyrics and his life.

8(x). I REMEMBER NOTHING, by Nora Ephron. (Knopf, $22.95.) Reflections on age and memory, from the author of "I Feel Bad About My Neck."

9. EARTH (THE BOOK), by Jon Stewart and others. (Grand Central, $27.99.) A visitor's guide to the human race, presented by "The Daily Show."

10. ---- MY DAD SAYS, by Justin Halpern. (It Books/HarperCollins, $15.99.) A coming-of-age memoir organized around the musings, purveyed on Twitter, of the author's father.

11(x). -------- FINISH FIRST, by Tucker Max. (Gallery, $25.99.) Stories of bad decisions, debauchery and sexual recklessness.


1. THE 4-HOUR BODY, by Timothy Ferriss. (Crown Archetype, $27.) A diet and fitness book from the author of "The 4-Hour Workweek."

2. THE 7, by Glenn Beck and Keith Ablow. (Threshold/Mercury Radio Arts, $24.99.) The Fox News host's guide to personal redemption, based on his own experiences. (b)

3. CINCH!, by Cynthia Sass. (HarperOne, $25.99.) A diet plan that promises to harness the weight-loss power of certain foods.

4. CHANGE THE CULTURE, CHANGE THE GAME, by Roger Connors and Tom Smith. (Portfolio/Penguin, $25.95.) Advice for managers on how to emphasize accountability in the workplace. (b)

5. STRAIGHT TALK, NO CHASER, by Steve Harvey with Denene Millner. (Amistad/HarperCollins, $24.99.) The comedian and radio host gives advice on how to "find, keep and understand a man."

Rankings reflect sales for the week that ended Jan. 8 at thousands of venues nationwide. An (x) indicates that a book's sales are barely distinguishable from those of the book above. A (b) indicates that some bookstores report receiving bulk orders.