A northern Minnesota power plant that was the site of a massive ash-water spill last summer has for years legally pumped wastewater with even higher concentrations of sulfate than was detected in a nearby stream after the accident.
The July spill from Boswell Energy Center in Cohasset sent sulfate-tainted water from a broken pipe into a nearby creek, threatening the wild rice that grows downstream. But the plant has been discharging wastewater with levels of sulfate that are 48 times higher than the water-quality standard to protect wild rice.
An environmental group called attention to this fact as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency moves to renew Boswell’s long-expired wastewater permit. Hudson Kingston, legal director at the environmental group CURE, discovered in permit documents that Boswell was emitting sulfate at concentrations of 481 parts per million from its outfall pipe.
In lakes and streams where wild rice grows, the concentration of sulfate cannot exceed 10 parts per million.
“You would think some of the pollutants would concentrate” in wastewater, as much of the water in the plant evaporates out of cooling towers, Kingston said. “But you would also think they wouldn’t then discharge that directly to the Mississippi River.”
The MPCA says Boswell’s new permit will protect wild rice in Blackwater Lake, the section of the Mississippi River where the plant discharges wastewater. The water that comes out of its outfall is immediately diluted.
Minnesota Power, the utility that owns and operates Boswell, also said it has always adhered to permit limits, and that rice downstream of the site has thrived.
The Boswell permit is the first time the state is applying the wild rice sulfate standard to the power plant. The rule was created in the 1970s but never enforced until the EPA demanded it in 2022.