After more than a decade of cleanup efforts and testing, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is ready to essentially shut down a Superfund site in south Minneapolis where industrial arsenic had contaminated the soil surrounding about 600 homes.
The East Phillips neighborhood site, near Hiawatha Avenue and E. 28th Street, has been on the EPA's list of priorities under its Superfund program for years after extremely high arsenic levels were found in many of the yards surrounding an old rail line.
Remediation efforts have been almost entirely finished since 2011, when the EPA completed a $25 million project to dig up and replace most of the contaminated soil. A scheduled review conducted in April found that the soil poses no threat to humans or the environment and that it's time to take the vast majority of the neighborhood off the priority list.
"The remedy is functioning as intended," the review said.
The EPA plans to keep just nine properties on the cleanup list, where homeowners have refused to allow soil tests. The agency will continue conducting regular reviews until all nine are tested and remediated.
With the soil safe, there's really no reason to keep the rest of the neighborhood on the list, said Cathy Villas-Horns, supervisor of the incident response unit for the Minnesota Department of Agriculture.
"Except for those nine properties, the cleanup has been completed," Villas-Horns said.
Regulators believe that wind carried the arsenic into the neighborhood over the course of three decades from a site where the now-defunct Reade Manufacturing Co. had been storing, producing and dumping an arsenic-based insecticide from the 1930s until the 1960s.