KEY WEST, Fla. — Ernest Hemingway spent the 1930s in Key West, Florida, and more than six decades after his death, fans, scholars and relatives continue to congregate on the island city to celebrate the author's award-winning novels and adventure-filled life.
Hemingway Days started in 1981 with a short-story competition and a look-alike contest. This year's celebration concluded Sunday on the 125th anniversary of Hemingway's birth on July 21, 1899.
As a novelist, short-story writer and journalist, Hemingway's spot in the pantheon of American literature is undeniable and his legacy permeates the culture and character of Key West.
Hemingway's great-grandson, Stephen Hemingway Adams, was born nearly three decades after Hemingway died. Adams said working with his grandfather, Patrick Hemingway, who was Ernest Hemingway's second son, helped him gain a deeper understanding of his famous ancestor.
''I got to work with my granddad, and we put out a book called ‘Dear Papa,' which was all of the letters between Ernest and my grandfather,'' Adams said.
The difference between the public perception and the documented reality of Hemingway can be fuzzy. He loved big-game fishing in the Caribbean and hunting in Africa. He loved bullfighting, baseball, boxing and barhopping. But he also was a serious artist who won Pulitzer and Nobel prizes. He put so much of his life experiences into his writing that it can be tricky to separate the man from the myth.
Adams said he's fine with some people loving the adventurer more than the writer.
''I think it's a split, and I think that's what's fun,'' Adams said of the throngs of look-alikes who visit Key West every year.