Q: Why does my cat attack me when he sees a cat outdoors?
Even indoor cats can get into territorial battles

A: If you've ever had a bad day at the office and then come home and snapped at your significant other, you have some idea of how your cat feels when he sees an unknown cat trespassing in your yard.
Cats get frustrated when they see an invading feline in their territory, and they may take it out on you or another pet or person, a behavior known as redirected aggression.
It can be downright scary if you're on the receiving end when your cat lashes out. It can be frustrating for you in other ways, as well. Some cats accompany redirected aggression with urine spraying in an attempt to let that other cat know it is trespassing.
Free-roaming cats work out boundary disputes through scent (urine spraying), sight (claw marks on trees) and sometimes violence. Cats that live indoors don't have opportunities to mark or defend their territory from cats passing by.
You don't have to let your cat outdoors to help him protect his patch of earth. A motion-detection sprinkler can send stray cats scurrying when they cross onto your cat's property. And if there's a particular window that offers your cat a vantage point for spotting feline marauders, try putting up a barrier. That could be blinds you can close or a screen you can place in front of the window. You can close the door to that room and provide your cat with a perch near another window where he won't see other cats go by.
Products such as Feliway, which mimic calming feline pheromones, may also help to prevent your cat from venting his frustration on you.
Dr. Marty Becker
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