Retail was already in the midst of a major upheaval before the coronavirus pandemic. Department stores were fighting to remain relevant. Debt-laden retailers were struggling to stay above water. And malls were trying to adjust by diversifying.
Now the stay-at-home orders closing many stores and malls have only intensified bad balance sheets and led consumers to shift, perhaps permanently, more of their shopping online.
"It's … ripping the Band-Aid off and now some of them are going to teeter faster," said Mickey Chadha, an analyst at Moody's. "There is going to be a lot of pain."
J. Crew and Neiman Marcus both declared bankruptcy in recent days, the first of many defaults and store closures analysts expect to see in the coming months.
But even the stronger players are feeling strain.
"It's definitely a challenge," said Jill Renslow, an executive vice president at the Mall of America. "We're at the intersection of not only retail, but entertainment, hospitality and travel, which are all industries that have been hit really hard."
While MOA is in a category of its own, also attracting travelers from around the world, it depends on many of the same stores as other malls in the Twin Cities. And those department stores and mall-based clothing stores are widely viewed as the most vulnerable since they were hurting before the pandemic.
Green Street Advisors predicts that more than half of all mall-based department stores will close by the end of 2021, hastening the demise of many second- and third-tier shopping malls that have been limping along for years.