Perpetually inquisitive by nature, guitarist Mary Halvorson went to Wesleyan University to become a biologist. Then she sat in on a music class taught by Anthony Braxton, a titanic figure in the avant-garde jazz realm.
"I really fell in love with music," she recalled by phone from her New York City home. "He helped me discover how large the musical world is, that you don't have to follow a particular path. [Braxton] really emphasized finding my own thing, so I valued it more. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be a musician without him."
Last year, at age 38, Halvorson was awarded a MacArthur Foundation "genius grant," winning praise for "an aesthetic that evolves and surprises with each new album and configuration of bandmates." On Saturday, she'll bring two of those bands to Walker Art Center: the collective trio Thumbscrew and the adventurous sextet Code Girl — its name inspired by a Braxton remark.
Regardless of the context, Halvorson's music is marked by a dynamic breadth of moods, tones and textures.
As a young girl, she quit violin lessons to take up electric guitar because she was intoxicated by the shredding, feedback and balladry of Jimi Hendrix.
"Tranquil melodies melt like Dali's clocks," wrote one reviewer of her 2015 solo album "Meltframe." In her last visit to the Twin Cities, a 2016 solo appearance in the Walker's Burnet Gallery, her fretwork easily careened from delicate to gnarly and back again.
NPR has described Halvorson as "a personality drawn at once to unruly possibility and fastidious detail," a paradox borne out by the at-times painstaking evolution of the bands that play her distinctly unpredictable music.
After releasing a record with bass and drums as the Mary Halvorson Trio in 2008, she added trumpet and alto saxophone to make the Mary Halvorson Quintet in 2010, then tenor sax and trombone for the Mary Halvorson Septet in 2013, and finally pedal steel for an octet album in 2016.