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On Jan. 1, 2024, Minnesota enacted its Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) law, empowering law enforcement and family members to petition courts to temporarily remove firearms from individuals at risk of harming themselves or others. Commonly referred to as “red flag” laws, ERPOs are a proactive tool designed to prevent firearm-related tragedies, including suicides, mass shootings and domestic-violence-related homicides.
Now, with a full year of data available, we can assess whether the law is working as intended.
What the data tell us
Over the past year, 135 ERPO cases were filed in Minnesota, according to Minnesota Court Records Online. The data show that law enforcement officers initiated the majority (71%) of petitions, followed by family members (16%). Courts granted 95% of temporary petitions lasting 14 days and 78% of long-term ERPOs lasting between six and 12 months, suggesting that judges found substantial evidence of immediate risk in most cases. Notably, dismissed cases were more often filed by family members rather than law enforcement, which may indicate challenges in navigating the legal process for some families.
The effectiveness of ERPOs is evident in the range of crises they helped prevent. The overwhelming majority of respondents were male (93%) and white (83%), with an average age of 40 — older than the typical crime perpetrator. Notably, nearly a quarter (22%) had children living in their homes, highlighting the role ERPOs play in protecting vulnerable family members. Many respondents had prior involvement with the legal system or mental health crises: 58% had a history of suicidality, 41% had documented mental health issues and 40% had substance use concerns. Additionally, 15% had prior arrests, and 50% had civil court histories, often related to divorce or child support disputes.
Addressing imminent threats