10 can't-miss dance performances this fall

Roster includes step-dancer Michael Flatley and choreographers Sandy Silva and Trajal Harrell.

September 15, 2023 at 3:07PM
Ananya Dance Theater blends rage, confusion, connection and joy in “Michhil Amra — We Are the Procession.” It will be performed at St. Paul’s O’Shaughnessy on Sept. 22 and 23. (Canaan Mattson/The Minnesota Star Tribune)

'Sandy Silva Night': Award-winning choreographer Sandy Silva melds body percussion with contemporary movement in this site-specific collaboration with Twin Cities Tap. (Sept. 20 & 21, Silverwood Park, St. Anthony. $25 with pay-what-you-can options, twincitiestap.com)

'AKS — Acceptance, Kindness, Support': The South Asian Arts and Theater House promises ebullient energy with this work that will bring 70 performers onstage. The dance drama uses the Urdu word for "reflection" in its title, as it aims to foster empathy and acceptance for the queer community. (Sept. 20-24, Cowles Center, Mpls. $22, thecowlescenter.org)

'Michhil Amra — We Are the Procession': Ananya Dance Theater harnesses the spirit of protest, rebellion and meditation with a work that explores how to make a more just world. (Sept. 22 & 23, O'Shaughnessy, St. Paul. $30 suggested, with pay-as-you-can options, oshag.stkate.edu)

'Thresh.Hold': The renovated Center for Performing Arts celebrates the 100th anniversary of its first building, once a convent for Incarnation Catholic Church. The performance features new work by CFPA's resident artists, with experimental ballet, interdisciplinary work on disabled embodiment and puppets in the mix. (Sept. 23, Center for Performing Arts, Mpls. $20-$30, cfpampls.com)

'Drumfolk': Step Afrika brings its exuberant and dynamic style of stepping to tell the story of the Stono Rebellion of 1739, when Africans enslaved in South Carolina beat their drums to mark the start of their resistance, only to have their instruments taken away. (Oct. 13, Northrop, Mpls. $24-$43, northrop.umn.edu)

Fall Forward Festival: Grab a passport to a wide variety of dance styles, with premieres by Kaleena Miller Dance, Afoutayi Haitian Dance, Music, and Arts Company, Ballet Folklorico Mexico Azteca and Katha Dance Theatre. (Oct. 21-Nov. 5, Cowles Center, $30-$35., with pay-as-you-can options on Sundays, thecowlescenter.org)

'In the Shadows': Mary Shelley's Frankenstein meets Edgar Allen Poe, with zombies thrown in for good measure in this spooky work by James Sewell Ballet. It's choreographed by Penelope Freeh, and the choral music is composed by Timothy C. Takach and performed by MPLS (imPulse). (Oct. 28, O'Shaughnessy, $5-$34, oshag.stkate.edu)

'Lord of the Dance': Michael Flatley hits 25 years with his wildly successful high-energy step dance, which he created after bursting onto the international stage with "Riverdance." (Nov. 5, State Theatre, Mpls. $39.50-$89.50, hennepintheatretrust.org)

'The Köln Concert': Choreographer Trajal Harrell sets this dance piece to the music of jazz great Keith Jarrett and folk hero Joni Mitchell across an assortment of piano benches, on which dancers vogue and perform post-modern and Japanese Butoh movements. (Nov. 7 & 8, Walker Art Center, Mpls. $30-$40, walkerart.org)

'Let America Be America': Threads Dance Project won a National Endowment for the Arts grant for its latest project, taking on Langston Hughes' "Let America Be America Again." It merges spoken word with movement. (Nov. 16 & 17, Bloomington Center for the Arts, $25, bloomingtonmn.gov/arts/bloomington-center-arts)

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Sheila Regan

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