If you've spent any time with Fancy Ray McCloney, the self-proclaimed "Best Looking Man in Comedy," you can empathize with the suffering of his high school teacher Michael McClure.
"I was quite truculent, and one time Mr. McClure told me, 'Ray, we need a break. We need a break from each other.' Unbeknown to him, I had signed up for his art class," McCloney said. "I walked in and said, 'Mr. McClure, here I am!' He walked straight to the principal's office and had me removed from his class. Can you believe that?"
Yes, I can. What I can't believe is that McClure is the only high school teacher McCloney's still in touch with, considering him a friend.
"At his 50th birthday party, I was the only former student there," McCloney said. "He's a good guy."
McClure wasn't successful with a Ray-ectomy. Neither was I.
Q: What would you do for a living if you weren't a comedian?
A: I would either be a teacher or an astronaut.
Q: What makes you think you could be an astronaut?