"Far North" writings of the Muries and words from the wild
Olaus Murie, "Journeys to the Far North"
• Margaret Murie, "Two in the Far North"
• Adolph Murie, "A Naturalist in Alaska" (John Burroughs Medal winner)
• Louise Murie cataloged then-Mount McKinley's vegetation, but it remains unpublished.
"I want to be back again, with a loaded sled creaking its way over rough ice or running smoothly and quietly over level places, with a good team of dogs trotting steadily in front, muzzles low, tails waving high — and the snow stretching away until broken by the blue line of woods where we might camp for the night." Olaus Murie in "Journeys to the Far North" (1973)."I am testifying as an emotional woman and I would like to ask you, gentlemen, what's wrong with emotion? Beauty is a resource in and of itself. Alaska must be allowed to be Alaska, that is her greatest economy. I hope the United States of America is not so rich that she can afford to let these wildernesses pass by, or so poor she cannot afford to keep them."
Margaret Murie, in 1977 congressional testimony about the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act
"Today, when we are faced by the fact that there are far too many guns in the field for the available game, it becomes important to foster the highest type of sportsmanship,"
Adolph Murie, in "The Wolves of Isle Royale" (1934)
"You should devote yourself to helping other people as much as you can. That's what we're here for, I think."
Louise Murie told an interviewer in 2011