Tim Velde says he would rather have free trade than more checks from the government.
"I don't know a single person out here farming that wouldn't rather get their money from selling crop," said Velde, who grows corn and soybeans near Hanley Falls, Minn.
But this year, farmers have received more federal money than ever: more than $40 billion.
Such assistance to farmers has risen throughout the presidency of Donald Trump, shaped mainly as compensation for sales to China farmers lost after that country retaliated in a trade war begun by the U.S. in 2018. Last year, farmers received $30 billion from the government. Trump approved more aid this year because of the pandemic, helping drive farm income to the highest level since 2013.
With the latest round of checks announced by Trump last month, more than 40% of farm income could be from the government, the highest proportion in 20 years, the University of Missouri's Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute estimates.
Farmers, who as a group disproportionately vote Republican and support Trump, are uneasy with being seen as on the dole.
"I don't know any farmers that actually want to receive government aid or payments. We don't want that," said Brent Fuchs, a corn and soybean farmer who also raises some cows near Dundas, Minn.
But it can be difficult to find voices critical of farm subsidies, which in normal times consist largely of the ethanol mandate and taxpayer-paid crop insurance premiums. While fiscal conservatives are generally skeptical, Republicans and Democrats both champion them.