Former KSTP-TV anchor Harris Faulkner is so comfortable at Fox News Channel, she shows up for afternoon news meetings in hair curlers. Faulkner, anchor of "Fox Report Weekends," says she is known as "the 'Curler Lady' because I have to have that big Texas hair. I've had people tweet it out, so I don't even try to hide it anymore." She left the Twin Cities market in July 2004 but still misses Minnesota, where she has enduring ties. "Our closest friends live in the Twin Cities. Actually, they moved in on the very street we used to live. We get to see each other once or twice a year," said Faulkner. "One of my favorite places to vacation is Minnesota in the summertime because it's so beautiful." A dirty little secret from her time here: She was an ardent Brett Favre fan and closet Packers fan, although she's out now that she's living in NYC. "I was a Jet for a little while when Brett was a Jet," she said. Because the Packers didn't make it to the Super Bowl this year -- "Sometimes you peak too early" -- Faulkner doesn't "have a dog in this race. I hope [both the Giants and Patriots] bring it. I hope in the fourth quarter people are still eating wings. It's tough because I'll be working that night. For those people watching football, if they want to watch a little Fox, it's always hot on the 'Fox Report.'"
Q Is Tony Berlin still as cute as when he was a WCCO-TV reporter?
A You know, I'm partial to him. He gets better with age. We're having a good time on the East Coast, [but] I love Minnesota. I wouldn't have my Tony if it wasn't for the Twin Cities. He has turned out to be a great hubby and dad. We have two daughters. Bella just turned 5 and Danika, named for the race car driver although she spells hers with a "c," is our super-fast 2 1/2-year-old. And we have some house plants. Whenever Tony gives me the eye, I say, "I'll get you a dog. A boy puppy." That's a sure thing. [The girls] understand that Mommy's on TV and Daddy's on the phone [because Tony operates his PR company, Berlin Media Relations, out of their residence]. They think the phone is another medium like television. They'll say, "Mommy, I'm going to watch Daddy on the phone." I'm like, "Really? Well, that's exciting!" He's with the girls in the afternoon for Bella's homework and so forth. He's with them a tremendous amount of time, so we are really blessed that he's got his work at home and it helps us balance it all. We split up [responsibilities]. We both have things we do well. Like, honestly, C.J., I wouldn't let him wash anything in the laundry department because while I like pink and gray, everything comes out [those colors].
Q How many years have you been married?
A Eight and a half.
Q Survived the Seven Year Itch?
A Definitely.
Q How are Shirley and -- sorry, drawing a blank on your dad's name?