Three firsts at First Avenue on Sunday night:
1. I've never been cold inside Minneapolis' landmark nightclub. Usually, there's enough body heat to warm up the main room even on the worst winter nights.
2. I've never had the men's bathroom all to myself. It was kind of creepy.
3. I've never heard anything remotely emotional come out of the mouth of the venue's stolid, no-nonsense, door-hovering operations manager Damon Barna. So you can imagine my surprise when he recounted — from behind a clear plastic face shield and cloth face mask — how he teared up when he first heard applause again in the hallowed old space.
The sounds, the look, the people and the old-friend comfort level were all the same, but the experience was definitely different returning to First Ave this past weekend for the first time in 10 lousy, lonely months.
Yes, live music is back at Minnesota's most famous room for it. It comes with stringent, new restrictions, though. It costs a bit more, too.
Charlie Parr's livestream concert series every Sunday in January became the test pilot for what will probably be the closest that First Ave gets to being back in business until at least summer, maybe fall.
Reserved tables were sold — and sold out quickly! — to three of Parr's five shows, including this upcoming Sunday's finale.