Q Does it make sense to close off rooms in your house that aren't needed and stop heating them?
Fixit: Closing off rooms may help save energy
By KAREN YOUSO, Star Tribune
A Yes. Keeping the heat where you need it can save energy, which saves you money. Close a bedroom door and heat register, and you could save $50 a year, according to the Minnesota Office of Energy Security.
But be careful not to close off too many areas or vents. It could interfere with the furnace's operation. Generally, don't close off more than 15 percent of your home's total square footage. Also, closing off areas isn't recommended in some situations. It's a good idea to check with the manufacturer or the installer of your heating system before you do this.
Bear in mind that shutting off heat to rooms and closing the doors can create conditions for mold. Condensation or even frost can form in some areas, including inside closets and in corners. That can lead to mold and mildew. Leave doors ajar to keep a minimal amount of air circulating, and check conditions in the room periodically.
More patio chair repair Reader Tony Tennis in Minneapolis explained that plastic straps can come off patio chairs when they've been left out in the hot summer sun all day. If you put weight on one strap by pushing on it with your hand, it can stretch enough to pop out from one end.
He offered a do-it-yourself fix:
• Boil water and pour it into a shallow pan, such as an aluminum cake pan.
• Remove a loose plastic strap from the chair and dip the center portion of the strap in the hot water. Keep the ends of the strap out of the water so that the curved ends remain cool and do not stretch.
• As the strap heats up, it becomes pliable and stretches. When the strap can be stretched easily, remove it from the water and reinstall it by inserting the tabs at the ends of the strap into the slots of the metal frame. Do this quickly before the strap cools.
• As the strap cools down, it shrinks and becomes taut again.
Send your questions to Fixit in care of the Star Tribune, 425 Portland Av. S., Minneapolis, MN 55488, or call 612-673-7032, or e-mail fixit@startribune.com. Past columns are available at www.startribune.com/fixit. Sorry, Fixit cannot supply individual replies.