They arrive in shifts.
Hour by hour, from 4 p.m. to nearly 10 p.m., a revolving group of 4th- to 12th-grade girls gather in the outfields of Edina’s baseball diamonds, flags clipped around their waists.
The sports complex’s lights flicker on by the time the high school girls arrive at 8:30 p.m., some already tired from a varsity soccer game that afternoon. By the time they leave, nearly 400 girls will have thrown footballs, snagged flags and run routes.
“It’s very easy to pick up. Everyone is starting at the same kind of level, so it’s a lot easier to pick up than other competitive sports that you play through your high school,” Edina High School junior Veda Laabs said. “It’s easy to find a spot that fits you, and you’re more focused on having fun with your friends.”
Across six-week, $110-dollar seasons, flag football teams compete against each other in a recreation league orchestrated by the Edina Girls Athletic Association (EGAA). Some players have competed against the same classmates since before they wore braces.
This league, and those like it, operate outside the sanction of the Minnesota State High School League, or MSHSL. Momentum to legitimize the sport as an official high school extracurricular is being driven by students, parents, coaches and even NFL executives.
Minnesota is one of 18 states with pilot programs. It’s a solid start, but the MSHSL has not yet confirmed a date for potential official sanction of the sport.
Meanwhile, girls interested in tossing touchdowns and snagging flags have geographically limited — though growing — options.