Looking for an ideal employee? Edina doesn't have to look any further than Nan, who has worked for the city for a dozen years.
"She never asks for a raise, never asks for a day off," said John Keprios, director of parks and recreation. "She definitely has more hair than most of us."
Nan is a black-and-white border collie who was purchased by the city to keep geese off its public golf courses.
Although at age 13 her eyes are beginning to fail and her hips occasionally ache, she is not in doggie dotage. Nan continues to work every weekday at Fred Richards Golf Course.
She also is something of a celebrity. Some City Hall employees keep dog treats in their desks for her. Regulars at the Fred Richards course look for her lying in her favorite spots near the clubhouse water fountain or behind the counter.
One golf course worker jokes that he now picks up "ten-and-a-half-inch subs" for dinner because Nan always gets the end of his foot-long sandwiches.
She is grizzled around the muzzle and her eyes are a bit cloudy, but her brain remains sharp and she is choosy with her affections. Though she wagged her tail and wanted to be stroked by a reporter who stopped by greenskeeper Jeff Luger's office, she grew worried when she heard her name mentioned repeatedly. Her tail sank between her legs and she tried to leave the room. Luger, with whom Nan lives now, suspects she thought someone had come to take her away.
"She's very calm and laid back, but she's gotten attached to me," Luger said. "She's funny -- she snubs some people and greets others."