Forgiveness is a principle promoted by just about every faith tradition. Even neuroscientists agree on its mental and physical benefits — from lowered risk of heart attacks to improved sleep. And yet the concept of forgiveness can stoke controversy, even anger.
Twenty years ago, UK-based journalist Marina Cantacuzino launched the Forgiveness Project, a collection of stories from survivors and victims of crime and conflict, as well as perpetrators who reshaped their aggression into a force for peace. Now in Minneapolis as part of her Midwest book tour, Cantacuzino is continuing to share those stories in the hopes of spreading a shared understanding of humanity.
But even Cantacuzino was unprepared for how much she had to learn.
“I started with this impression that forgiveness was a magical space where everything could be fixed and resolved, a panacea for all ills,” Cantacuzino says. “Very quickly I was disillusioned of that naïve view. I realized it was complex, messy, complicated and meant many things to many people.”
She still believes in the transformative power of forgiveness, even though she knows it can’t be foisted upon anyone, and in some circumstances it can do actual harm.
Over the years, Cantacuzino documented real-life stories of seemingly supernatural examples of forgiveness. A Canadian woman who forgave her husband’s killer. An Israeli filmmaker wounded in a terrorist attack. A Minneapolis mother who grew to love the person who murdered her only child. That woman, Mary Johnson-Roy, passed away last month, and loved ones recently celebrated a life that inspired mercy and healing.
A single act of forgiveness can mystify, sometimes enrage, those who witness it. The Forgiveness Project’s exhibit curator for North America, Louisa Hext of Minneapolis, summoned to mind a story about her late friend Eva Kor. “Forgiveness is my chemotherapy,” Kor, a Holocaust survivor, would often say.
Kor and her sister were part of the thousands of twins experimented on at the Auschwitz concentration camp in German-occupied Poland. Kor’s parents and older sisters were killed in gas chambers at Birkenau.