He was a no-nonsense judge who expected attorneys to show up on time, keep their questions of witnesses on point and not waste the jurors' time. He also had the reputation of treating both sides fairly.
Senior U.S. District Judge Richard H. Kyle, who was known as "Sarge" to his friends and colleagues, did not "brook a lot of shenanigans," recalls Anita Terry, who clerked for him in 1999 and 2000.
"He put the fear of God in the lawyers," she said. "He liked lawyers but he expected a lot out of them."
Off the bench, he was "warm and sunny" to his staff and liked to chat about the news and politics or episodes of "Seinfeld," Terry said.
Kyle, a Twin Cities federal judge for 25 years until his 2017 retirement, died Tuesday at the age of 84. The cause was complications from Alzheimer's, said his son, Richard H. Kyle Jr., a Ramsey County District Court judge.
The elder Kyle presided over some of the biggest federal cases of his era including the criminal prosecution of renowned Twin Cities surgeon John Najarian, the fraud trial of Tom Petters and the defamation trial involving former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura.
"He was one of the leaders on the [federal] court," said Chief Minnesota U.S. District Judge John Tunheim. Kyle led the 2006-2007 renovation of the federal courthouse in St. Paul, Tunheim said.
U.S. District Judge Joan Ericksen was a veteran assistant U.S. attorney when she appeared before him in the first trial that Kyle conducted after he became a judge in 1992.