On Wednesday, Minnesota's entry in the presidential race, U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, became the second Democratic contender of the season to appear at a Fox News town hall. While the event Wednesday in Milwaukee hasn't appeared to stir up as much response from the commentariat as U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders did with a similar appearance last month, I found a couple items of interest:
Forwarded with comment: Amy Klobuchar's Fox News town hall
A few responses from around the internet.

• At Vox, senior correspondent Dylan Matthews explores Fox moderator Bret Baier's attempt to catch Klobuchar in hypocrisy with respect to her questioning of Brett Kavanaugh, during his Supreme Court confirmation process, over a sexual-assault allegation against him and her earlier support for her colleague Al Franken, who resigned from the Senate following allegations of sexual misconduct. Klobuchar noted that Kavanaugh got due process and "a really good job out of the whole thing."
Matthews also examines Klobuchar's stated belief that Franken deserves a "third act," though not necessarily in politics, calling it "potentially tricky ground for Klobuchar, specifically, to tackle."
• At The Federalist, Kyle Sammin, co-host of the Conservative Minds podcast, lists "5 Things We Learned" from Klobuchar's town hall. He writes that even the questions from the audience assembled by Fox "contained their share of softballs" but concludes: "Klobuchar has had to defend her views to the voters before, and seemed comfortable with the process. The other Democratic candidates would be wise to follow her over to Fox for an hour to sharpen their skills."
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Leaders of nascent protest movements should give more serious thought to what actually works.