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The Becker Public Schools board is considering an ill-advised and likely unconstitutional policy that would prohibit "political indoctrination or the teaching of inherently divisive concepts."
The policy would further mandate that classrooms be free of "any personal bias or non-school materials favoring any particular group, political ideology, favored class or promoting controversial issues."
The policy was announced following media reports of LGBTQ students feeling bullied, and a protest over a board presentation by the Child Protection League (labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Center as anti-LGBTQ).
Make no mistake, the Becker policy is a policy of censorship and erasure: an erasure of people, of identity, of our very history. This shocking policy would effectively suppress and penalize speech and teaching about LGBTQ issues and our nation's real and ugly racial history. It even applies to what students can wear or carry, presumably including Pride flags and buttons, Black Lives Matter T-shirts and even the art they create.
That's why the ACLU of Minnesota asked the Becker school board to reject this policy, noting in our letter its potential for serious infringement on the First Amendment, and how it "will effectively gag educators and students from talking about issues of the most profound national importance, such as the impact of systemic racism in our society … and discrimination people of color and other marginalized groups still face."
Sadly, the Becker school board is not alone. In Minnesota, state legislators unsuccessfully proposed a similar bill to create a statewide ban on instruction in critical race theory. At least 16 states have passed laws restricting education on race in schools or state agencies. And of course, there's Florida's infamous "Don't Say Gay" law that bans instruction about sexual orientation or gender identity in the early grades.