DULUTH – Proposals to allow Minnesota's largest breweries to sell 64-ounce growlers appear dead after the measure failed to gain significant support in the closing weeks of the legislative session.
Hurt by the pandemic, several of those breweries formed an alliance last year to lobby for a change in the law that says breweries that produce more than 20,000 barrels of beer in a year are prohibited from selling growlers or other to-go containers. Several of the breweries, including Surly, Fulton and Castle Danger, have said the cap penalizes them for their growth.
"Only five breweries in the country can't sell beer to go," said Jamie MacFarlane, co-owner of Castle Danger Brewery in Two Harbors. "We want to be competitive with national brands and everyone else."
Schell's and Summit are also among the five.
The lack of support in both the House and Senate is "really disappointing," said Rep. Jim Nash, R-Waconia, who introduced bills that included removing the growler cap.
"It's not a Minnesotan thing at all," he said. "Breweries are begging for help."
Nash is one of several legislators working with the breweries to change the 2013 law — itself an upgrade from a cap of 3,500 barrels — intended to protect the state's three-tiered liquor system, which regulates the relationship between producers, distributors and retailers. Four of those breweries and two others near the cap — Indeed and Lift Bridge — formed the Alliance of Minnesota Craft Breweries and a "free the growler" campaign.
MacFarlane said growlers allow brewers to experiment with new beers without the added expense and lengthy design process that comes with cans, especially with aluminum shortages during the pandemic. Castle Danger's most popular beer, Castle Cream Ale, first was sold as a summer seasonal in a growler.