Garage-sale pricing guidelines

April 19, 2010 at 9:57PM

Kitchen items

• Dishes (setting for four), $5 to $15.

• Gadgets, about 50 cents.

• Microwave ovens (functional), one-fourth of cost.

• Pots and pans, 50 cents to $3.

• Glasses and china, 25 cents to $1.

Toys and games

• Action figures, 25 cents to $1.50.

• Fisher-Price toys, electronic toys and video games, 25 percent of cost.

• Complete board games or puzzles, $1 to $3.

• Stuffed animals, 25 cents to $10.

• Tricycles, $3 to $10.


• Analog TV sets, free.

• VCRs, free to $5.

• Radios, $1 to $4.


• Paperbacks, 50 cents to $1.

• Hardcover books, $1 to $2.

• Kids' books, 25 cents to $1.

• LPs, 50 cents to $1.

• CDs, $2 to $5.

• Videos/DVDs, $1 to $5.

Children's clothing

• Jackets, 50 cents to $2.

• Outfits (two-piece), $2 to $5.

• Pants and overalls, $1 to $2.

• Shirts, 50 cents to $2.


• Power tools, 25 to 30 percent of cost.

• Sporting goods, 20 to 30 percent of cost.

• Bicycles, 25 percent of cost.

• Lamps, $3 to $25.

• Furniture, 25 percent of cost.

• Frames, 25 cents to $3.

• Costume jewelry, $1 to $5.

• Men's suits, $5 to $25.


about the writer

about the writer

John Ewoldt


John Ewoldt is a business reporter for the Star Tribune. He writes about small and large retailers including supermarkets, restaurants, consumer issues and trends, and personal finance.  

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