Help pet rescue virtually

Assist Twin Cities Pet Rescue with dog adoption and cat adoption programs. Process adoption applications and invoices online. Work virtually with staff to coordinate program. Occasional in person adoption events. 5-7 hours per week. Training provided.
Mentor dads
Help FamilyWise Services with their Bright Beginnings Program. Male mentors age 25 and up are paired with teen fathers to provide support and stability. Weekly contact. One-year commitment.
Food rescue
Pick food and deliver it to Neighbors, Inc., in South St. Paul. Must be able to lift large boxes and be 18 or working with adult.
Calling all makers
Gifts for Seniors serves isolated elders in the community. Make homemade gifts (crocheting, blanket-tying, needlepoint). Can be holiday-specific. Include a card for the senior with your item. Arrange to drop off items in Minneapolis.
Thrifting help
Work at a Salvation Army thrift stores. Assist with accepting, sorting and merchandizing donations, customer service and more. Stores are open daily. Flexible hours. Nine metro locations.
Lead a hymn sing
Presbyterian Homes Bloomington needs a piano player for Wednesday morning spiritual care programming in their care center.
Assemble meals
Assist Living Well Disability Services assemble prepared food to make freezer meals that will be distributed to group homes. All supplies provided, no experience required. Something for all ages. One group of 2-4 per time slot.
Food shelf help
The Keystone Community Services food shelves serve approximately 100 families every day. Pack food boxes, unload food deliveries, process donations and stock shelves. M-F, 8 a.m.-4 p.m. 2-4 hour shifts.
Teach English
Literacy Minnesota needs ESL teachers for adult learners in Minneapolis. Extensive training provided along with curriculum and support. Three hours per week for minimum of four months. Classes of 5-20 learners.
Serve a meal
Purchase, prepare and serve a nutritious meal to 21 guests at Our Saviour's Emergency Shelter. Needed 365 nights a year. Total time on site is about two hours with dinner served at 7 p.m. Meal sponsorship is also an option. More info at or e-mail with questions. Sign up at
Collect linens
Help Alliance Housing by organizing a bed linens drive. Collect new or gently used sheets, pillows and pillow cases. Great project for workplace or faith community.
Find more:
Hands-On Twin Cities offers a range of opportunities. Learn more about which groups need volunteers at or 612-379-4900.