HASTINGS – Gov.-elect Tim Walz named seven more commissioners Thursday, continuing to call on mostly new faces as he rounds out his cabinet in advance of Monday's inauguration.
Among the cabinet choices was state Sen. Tony Lourey to be commissioner of the Department of Human Services, which means voters in his northern Minnesota district will face a special election to replace him.
Thus far his choices have come from the ranks of the private sector, labor unions, trade associations, nonprofits and government agencies. He passed over two of DFL Gov. Mark Dayton's commissioners who tried to keep their current jobs, giving his cabinet a fresh look that breaks more clearly from the previous administration.
"Each and every one of these folks believes in 'one Minnesota,' " Walz said, repeating a campaign mantra. "It's how we will govern. By bridging gaps between urban and suburban and rural communities."
The Walz transition team has kept the selections closely held and highly choreographed. The incoming governor revealed his new cabinet members at a dairy farm in Hastings wearing what has become his trademark black-and-red flannel.
The challenges of governing state government with its 35,000 employees and sharp regional divides will come into clear view in the coming months. Walz must submit a two-year budget proposal expected to top $45 billion by Feb. 19, with a slew of interest groups clamoring for more money, from cities and townships to powerful labor unions like Education Minnesota and other public employees.
Walz named Thom Petersen, a lobbyist for the Minnesota Farmers Union, commissioner of the Department of Agriculture.
"Thom Petersen understands how policy directly affects farmers' daily lives," Walz said, adding that his new top agriculture official will "ensure our farmers can compete in the global marketplace."