A return to dining inside a restaurant could be the next step in lifting COVID-19 restrictions, but Gov. Tim Walz reiterated Wednesday that come Monday, only outdoor food service will be allowed.
It was Walz's first public comment on the next phase of the "Stay Safe" plan since he reached an agreement last Saturday to broaden access to houses of worship beyond the limit of 10 people that he had originally set.
"We have been very cognizant of the pain that is causing economically," Walz said of the restrictions on bars and eateries. "I think it is falling heavily on restaurants and the hospitality industry."
Walz said he was in discussions with industry officials Wednesday morning, but for now the state is still trying to determine the impact that other recent decisions, including opening up more retail, are having on the spread of the new coronavirus.
"One of the things in turning that dial is there is a lag time" before new cases appear, Walz said.
But he added that restaurants, whose trade group said the outdoor dining limitation was "surprising and disappointing," could see more restrictions lifted in the next phase of the state's plan.
"That is the next step on the dial to open up some of these places," Walz said.
Minnesota Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said the state's data indicators painted a "mixed picture" of COVID-19's impact on health care resources.