In the past year, law enforcement officers too often have been considered contributors to society's ills, rather than part of the solution, which they are.
In Grand Rapids Friday, in northern Minnesota, the opposite of cops-are-the-problem was on display. The sad occasion was the funeral of Department of Natural Resources conservation officer (CO) Sarah Grell, 39, who left a husband, Gene, and three children ages 13, 4 and 2.
Grell died in a vehicle accident Monday morning en route to a call.
It's doubtful Grell ever considered being anything other than a conservation officer. Her dad, Craig, was a CO, as was a grandfather and an uncle.
After graduating from Grand Rapids High School in 2000, Grell earned a criminal justice degree at St. Cloud State University before entering the DNR conservation officer academy.
Of the 2,000 people who showed up to honor Grell on Friday in Grand Rapids, some surely did so because she specialized in protecting critters, lands and waters that can't protect themselves: deer against poachers, wetlands against polluters, fragile plants against ATV-riding scofflaws.
Others honored Grell because even among special people, she was special.
Her smile could light up a room, and her easy-going way could put the most nervous hunters and anglers at ease when she checked their fishing licenses or counted their ducks.