The American Integrity, a black and white freighter, loomed larger with every mile it advanced across Lake Superior. Crowds lined up along Duluth’s North Pier, eager to witness its immensity up close and to hear the deep blare of its horn.
One long resonant blast, two short. That’s the daytime salute to onlookers and the operator of the historic Aerial Lift Bridge, who already had the bridge deck raised so the 1,000-foot iron ore and coal carrier could glide through the Duluth Ship Canal and into the harbor. The operator responded with a higher-pitched long blast, followed by two short ones.
This well-rehearsed call and response ranks among the most iconic things to witness when visiting Duluth — the world’s farthest inland seaport at more than 2,300 miles from the Atlantic Ocean.
And for devoted boat nerds and ship junkies, right now is a favorite time to visit. The summer swarms of tourists have dissipated, and there’s a short lull between fall-color travelers and families that will flock to the Bentleyville holiday lights spectacle at Bayfront Festival Park.
And while November weather can be wickedly brooding and raw, ship watchers say it’s worth bundling up to witness a thousand-foot-long freighter emerge from eerie wisps of morning “sea smoke,” which occurs when cold air meets the warmer water.
“[November] stands out because when the ships go through the canal, you get to see the big waves crash and the snow and ice freeze on the ships,” said Logan Mackey, 18, of Grand Rapids, Minn., who has been fascinated by the boats since he was a kid and visits as often as he can.
In November, the jet stream sits lower over the relatively warm Lake Superior, the world’s largest freshwater lake by surface area. When combined with strong regional low-pressure systems, it can amplify the power of any storm, explained Jayson Hron, director of communication and marketing with the Duluth Seaway Port Authority.
“It can lead to especially wild conditions on the water,” he said, “which is why November claims more shipwrecks than any other month.”