As state transportation planners mull the future of Interstate 94 in the Twin Cities, a group that champions transportation not centered on cars wants to convert a 7.5-mile stretch of the freeway between downtown Minneapolis and downtown St. Paul with a street-level thoroughfare.
A recent report by Our Streets Minneapolis said replacing the freeway won’t have a negative effect on traffic — as motorists find other routes for what are mostly short trips. But a thoroughfare will be better economically, environmentally and socially for neighborhoods long scarred by the freeway, the report’s authors say.
“I think that as we bring more information to the table about the economic benefits of this, and the environmental benefits and just the quality of life and sense of place benefits, more and more people are getting excited,” said Alex Burns of Our Streets. “And they are seeing this as an idea that should be legitimately considered.”

Our Streets officials hope their report, “Reimagining I-94,” will sway planners with the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) who are in the midst of their own “Rethinking I-94” project. The state project is evaluating 10 ways of moving forward with an aging and deteriorating stretch of freeway that was built 50-60 years ago and is widely regarded as hurting the inner-city neighborhoods split by the freeway’s miles long trench.
Two of the 10 MnDOT alternatives would replace the freeway with a ground level boulevard that includes dedicated bus lanes and bike lanes. Other options being considered range from maintaining the existing stretch of freeway, a combination of a local access roadway with a narrower freeway for motorists passing through and expanding the freeway with additional traffic lanes and lanes for bus rapid transit and carpool lanes.
The Our Streets report, which lists the Toole Design Group, Visible City and Smart Mobility as contributors, comes down clearly on the replace side. Officials said they used MNDOT traffic, speed and congestion data.
The report concluded that highway removal has been a positive step in several other cities, including Rochester, N.Y.; Milwaukee, and Oakland, Calif. Other key findings in the report include:
- Traffic would not be dramatically affected. Most trips on I-94 are short and local, using the freeway only for short distances. The most common average trip duration along this stretch of I-94 is 5 minutes, compared to 15 minutes and 20 minutes for I-494 and I-694 respectively. Most motorists would find other routes through neighborhoods.
- The models the state is using to study alternatives were developed 40 years ago and are not reliable and should not be used to predict congestion and travel times. The Reimaging authors say the state methodology is skewed toward freeways and does not look at the environmental and development benefits of removing the highway.
- Converting to a thoroughfare has enormous potential for transforming hundreds of acres of right-of-way into new space for housing, businesses and parks.
- Less traffic, noise and air pollution will improve the health and well-being of corridor residents.
- Rethinking I-94 is a political decision, not an engineering one. The freeway is not necessary for the Twin Cities to thrive, and if it is rebuilt or expanded, the harms it created will continue.
State and city officials, so far, appear noncommittal.