The chanted plea to "keep us safe" from gun violence, raised by 1,000 voices and echoing throughout the State Capitol on Feb. 22, was so earnest that I wanted to believe this time is different. Maybe the Valentine's Day school shooting in Parkland, Fla., was not just "the next one." Maybe the determination to make it the last one had reached all the way to St. Paul.
I scanned the rotunda for legislators. A good showing — more's the point, a bipartisan showing — would be a hopeful sign. Nothing noteworthy can happen in Minnesota's chronically divided state government unless both parties make it so.
A nest of legislators stood on the speakers' platform. All appeared to be DFLers. Then I spotted one exception. Republican Rep. Dario Anselmo, the first-termer from Edina, was in the mix.
Anselmo posted about the rally on Facebook later that day: "One of the speakers was my aunt Joan, who has been a tireless advocate for gun violence and safety. She told the story of my mother's tragic death as related to being killed with a gun."
Then I remembered. Anselmo is the son of Barbara Lund, who was shot to death along with her boyfriend, former Iowa state legislator Kevin Kelly, in her home in August 1992. Lund's estranged husband, Russell Lund Jr., son of the founder of the Lunds supermarket chain, was indicted for the murders. He died by suicide before going to trial.
His aunt Joan is Joan Peterson of Duluth, Barbara's sister and a leader in Protect Minnesota, the nonprofit advocacy group that has filled State Capitol corridors three times in the past two weeks with people in orange shirts that read "Minnesotans against getting shot."
On Thursday, when DFL state Rep. Dave Pinto presented his bill for universal background checks before gun purchases to a House committee, he proudly noted that the bill now has bipartisan support. Anselmo had become a cosponsor, Pinto said, nodding to the representative from Edina, who was present though not a member of the committee.
Less than an hour later, Pinto's bill was tabled. Shortly thereafter, the same fate befell his second bill, which would have allowed police or relatives to seek court orders to temporarily prohibit someone from possessing a gun.