No seat was available outside the St. John's Hospital emergency department on one recent afternoon — not in two waiting rooms, or the hallway between them, or the benches at the sliding glass front door, or near the decorative Snoopy.
Some patients slept, others writhed in pain, others twitched and wondered if they should leave. Some had received care, just not inside the ER. It was a mass of 40 sick people, all of them waiting.
"It's dehumanizing," said Amy Lockwood of St. Paul, who sat with kidney pains in a hallway chair for four hours. "This is a good hospital. I've never seen it like this. This is crazy."
Crisis-level crowding was expected at the peaks of COVID-19, when the infectious disease sent people gasping for breath to ERs. But overwhelming patient volumes have continued to challenge the Maplewood hospital and others like it in Minnesota, long after the pandemic crisis eased.
Minnesota ranked among the best states for the efficiency of emergency rooms before the pandemic, but its performance has slipped, according to new federal hospital data. The median time from ER arrival to discharge increased from 104 minutes in 2016 to 133 in 2021 in Minnesota, and the state slid from 2nd to 13th among states in this measure.
Waits are longest in large hospitals, which take complex cases from smaller hospitals and patients from broad geographic areas. The median in 2021 for non-mental health patients was 245 minutes at Methodist Hospital in St. Louis Park and 236 minutes at United Hospital in St. Paul. The median was 233 minutes at Mayo Clinic in Rochester and 188 at St. John's.
The packed waiting room on Nov. 3 exemplified problems across Minnesota, said Dr. Will Nicholson, vice president of medical affairs for M Health Fairview's east metro hospitals, including St. John's. The state lacks preventive services to keep patients out of hospitals and transitional services to discharge them when they are ready, he added.
"The hospital is in the middle of all of this, doing what we always do, which is step up and do the best we can to take care of patients," Nicholson said. "COVID didn't beat us. This isn't going to beat us. But people are tired, and we need help."